A Good Read is one of BBC Radio 4's longest running programmes where two guests join the main presenter to choose and discuss their favourite book. Sue MacGregor stepped down in 2010 as the programme's longest serving presenter (7 years).[1] Her successor is the writer, broadcaster and academic Harriett Gilbert who takes up the reins at the end of May 2011.[2]
Collectively the panellists review their chosen titles. The books are always in-print paperbacks, affordable and the reviews are honest and genuinely driven by the taste of the guests. Recently the programme has reviewed graphic novels and books available on the internet. It is not unusual for a guest to find themselves alone in defending their choice. Audiences see it as a simple but effective way of getting recommendations for books to read, with publishers keen to have their books featured on the programme.
The programme began in 1977 and has been produced by the BBC Bristol over that time. It is a deceptively hard programme to present as the presenter needs to read around 30 books - cover to cover - over a 12 week period and nearly 100 books for the programme in a year.